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关于[Uno Platform Uno Platform 3.2: .NET 5, C# 9 support and .NET 5 WebAssembly AOT Support]的摘要:

The .NET team has been working hard to add WebAssembly support for .NET 5, and we’ve been able to leverage this work to update Uno and provide a preview of this support. This update gives the ability for Uno Platform apps to use the .NET 5 APIs and features, like C# 9.0 and its source generators, records, pattern-matching-enhancements and others interesting features.

原文地址: https://platform.uno/blog/uno-platform-3-2-net-5-c-9-support-and-net-5-webassembly-aot-support/

收录时间: 2020-11-11 浏览量: 1919 分类: .NET 5

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