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关于[Multi-stage Docker builds for ASP.NET Core 5]的摘要:

I am building an app with .NET 5 and ASP.NET Core 5. And, I want to run it on a cloud provider. Since .NET 5 isn't widely adopted yet (and probably won't be since it's not an LTS version), that means the easiest path to deployment is a Docker image. That part isn't hard. When you create a new .NET project, you get a multi-stage Dockerfile for free (well, as long as you select that option). But, I want to use vanilla Node.js build options for processing and bundling my CSS and JS files. The common solutions I've seen for Docker + Node + .NET involve starting with the base .NET image and then using apt-get to install Node. I didn't want to go down that path if I could help it. I don't know why, but the idea of modifying the Docker image outside of just building stuff offended my aesthetic.

原文地址: https://hyr.mn/docker-dotnet5/

收录时间: 2021-03-01 浏览量: 1832 分类: .NET 5

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