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    Which .NET Core Runtime Download do you need?

    .NET Core has a number of different runtime downloads that you can grab to install the runtimes and the SDK. It's not immediately obvious what you need, so since I just went through this myself and ...

  • 匿名 浏览问题(18.224.32.***)

    C#&.NET Core(.NET 7)程序如何去掉HTML内容中的font标签呢?

    我正在开发一个使用C#和.NET Core(.NET 7)的程序,需要处理HTML内容。在这个HTML内容中,我想要去掉所有的<font>标签以使其更清洁和规范。我该如何在C#和.NET Core中实现去掉HTML内容中的<...

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    How to Authorize Users in Blazor Declaratively

    When it comes to controlling which users can access which functionality in a Blazor application you not only have access to all of the user’s authentication you can authorize the user’s actions without writing any code.

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    Creating a custom endpoint visualization graph: Visualizing ASP.NET Core 3.0 endpoints using GraphvizOnline - Part 4

    In this series, I've been laying the groundwork for building a custom endpoint visualization graph, as I showed in my first post. This graph shows the different parts of the endpoint routes: literal values, parameters, verb constraints, and endpoints that generate a result...

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(36.156.206.**)

    .NETCore 千星项目模块化开发框架 SimplCommerce 详解

    .NETCore 千星项目模块化开发框架 SimplCommerce 详解SimplCommerce 是 github 上过千星的.netcore 商城示例项目,本文详解他的模块化框架现实思路,其业务(如产品、订单)不作介绍。因作者文笔水平很差,它又很值得学习和推荐,就算不要脸献丑一次吧,如对本文有不明白之处望见谅留言,谢谢。 早期单体开发框架,因为简单上手快的特点广受青睐。但是随着项目时...

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(216.244.66.***)

    Angular 8.1.0 正式发布

    Angular 8.1.0 正式发布了,包含如下改进内容:使用freshness策略缓存数据组中的不透明响应;当请求超过超时阈值时缓存不透明响应;允许ts_library与列表类型的输入互操作...

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    问题描述比如有类似这样的类Customer.cs:public class Customer{ public int Id{get;set;} public string FirstName{get;set;} public string LastName{get;set;}}在通...

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(14.155.184.***)

    PostgreSQL For Those Who Can’t Even, Part 1

    Just yesterday I was talking to a friend about Postgres (not uncommon) and he said something that I found shocking: I can’t even with Postgres, I know JACK SQUAT. This person calls themself my friend too! I just don’t even know what’s real anymore.

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(14.155.201.***)

    【源码】进入ASP.NET MVC流程的大门 - UrlRoutingModule

    在ASP.NET MVC的请求过程中,UrlRoutingModule的作用是拦截当前的请求URL,通过URL来解析出RouteData,为后续的一系列流程提供所需的数据,比如Controller、Action等等。其实,UrlRoutingModule和我们自定义的HttpModule都是实现了IHttpModule接口的两个核心方法,Init方法和Dispose方法。下面是MVC中实现UrlRoutingModule代码。首先,在初始化的方法中检查该Module是否被加入到了当前请求的请求管道,然后注册了管道事件中的PostResolveRequestCache事件。其实最理想的注册事件应该是MapRequestHandler事件,但是为了考虑到兼容性(IIS 6 和 IIS 7 ISAPI模式下不可用),微软选择了紧邻MapRequestHandler事件之前的PostResolveRequestCache事件。

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(51.222.253.*)

    .NET Core 3.1 发布,支持三年的 LTS 版本

    .NET Core 3.1 发布了,这是对两个多月前发布的 .NET Core 3.0 的一小部分修复和完善,其中最重要的是 .NET Core 3.1 是一个长期支持(LTS)版本,并且官方将会支持三年。 .NET Core 3.1 中的...

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    Personalize Your Visual Studio 2022

    One of Visual Studio’s core goals is to increase your individual and team productivity. And, one of our key focus areas is to make Visual Studio more personalized and flexible, so that you can make the IDE your own. Below, we’ll summarize some of the personalization features we’ve shipped in our preview channel or plan to ship soon.

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    C# In Simple Terms - Expressions, Lambdas, and Delegates

    Now that we've seen many concrete concepts that C# implements, we need to take some time to talk about a few more abstract ideas. These include expressions, lambdas, and delegates, and in this post we'll discuss each of these and show examples. Let's go!

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    Introducing Microsoft .NET 6

    With the release last year of .NET 5, Microsoft switched its platform development away from the 20-year-old .NET Framework to the newer, cross-platform, open source .NET Core. The .NET Framework has moved into maintenance mode, while the new .NET completes its separation from Windows release cycles ...

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    近期用c#开发一个游戏的存档编辑工具需要用 Zlib 标准的 Deflate 算法对数据进行解压。 在 StackOverflow 上逛了一圈,发现 c# 比较常用到的方式是微软提供的 System.IO.Compression,, 以及 ICSharpCode 的SharpZipLib。我简单的测试和包装了一下,便在这里分享一下成果以及我个人的看法。

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(14.155.225.**)

    MySQL 8.0.12 有什么新内容?

    时隔三个月,MySQL 8.0.12 有什么新内容?引言今年4月份,MySQL突然直接从8.0.5跳过多个版本号到8.0.11,直接宣布8.0.11 GA,告诉大家说,这个版本已经可以到线上用了。到今年7月底,MySQL 8.0.12版本发布,我从官方的release note里面,选取出来我认为的重点内容,在这里展开聊一下。如果有想要看...

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(14.155.183.*)


    上一篇技术文章中,我们讲解了进程间通信中的管道通信方式,这只是多种进程间通信方式中的一种,这篇文章我们回顾一下另一种进程间通信的方式——内存映射文件 基础概念 Windows 提供了 3 种进行内存管理的方法: 虚拟内存:适合用来管理大型对象或结构数组 内存映射文件:适合用来管理大型数据流(通常来自文件),也适合在单机上多个进程(运行着的进程)之间共享数据 内存堆栈:适合用来管理大量的小对象

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    VB.NET is done, not dead

    This post on Visual Basic support planned for .NET 5.0 has caused some to complain that Microsoft is abandoning or killing Visual Basic. Discussions on plans for alternatives or open-source continuations or extensions to the language have picked up.

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(120.237.85.**)

    .NET Core, Docker, and Cultures - Solving a culture issue porting a .NET Core app from Windows to Linux

    This post is part of the third annual C# Advent. Check out the home pagefor up to 50 C# blog posts in December 2019!In this post I describe an issue I found when porting an ASP.NET Windows application to ASP.NET Core on Linux. It took me several attempts to get to the bottom of the issue, and rather...

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    Ant Design 3.16.6 发布,企业级 UI 设计语言

    Ant Design 3.16.6 发布了。Ant Design 是阿里开源的一套企业级的 UI 设计语言和 React 实现,使用 TypeScript 构建,提供完整的类型定义文件,自带提炼自企业级中后台产品的交互语言和视觉风格、开箱即用的高质量 React 组件与全链路开发和设计工具体系。