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  • 匿名 浏览资讯(221.225.228.***)

    Using Windows Forms DataGridView in .NET Core 3.1

    Windows Forms is coming to .NET Core and last version of Visual Studio 2019 Preview comes with form designer built in. There are basic controls available in toolbox but not all out-of-box controls have made their way there. One of these is DataGridView. Although not shown in toolbox, DataGridView still works like expected. Here’s how I made it work.

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(171.8.172.***)

    ASP.NET Core 2.2 十八.各种Filter的内部处理机制及执行顺序

    ASP.NET core 的Filter是系统中经常用到的,本文详细分享一下各种Filter定义、执行的内部机制以及执行顺序。一、 概述ASP.NET Core MVC 中有好几种常用的筛选器,例如Authorization filters 、Resource filters、Action filters 、Exception filters 、Result filters,他们运行在请求处理...

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(125.112.183.**)

    《Dotnet9》系列-开源C# Winform控件库1《HZHControls》强力推荐

    大家好,我是Dotnet9小编,一个从事dotnet开发8年+的程序员。我最近在写dotnet分享文章,希望能让更多人看到dotnet的发展,了解更多dotnet技术,帮助dotnet程序员应用dotnet技术更好的运用于工作和学习中去。 文章阅读导航 一、写在前面的话 二、HZHControls介 ...

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(121.228.246.**)

    MongoDB vs RavenDB

    I need a document database. Why? There are areas in my problem generating (How to calculate 17 billion similarities) pet project cookit that are just asking for a document modelling approach. Most people will say that this is a straightforward problem to solve...

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(183.7.106.***)

    使用.Net Core 2.1开发Captcha图片验证码服务

    使用.Net Core 2.1开发Captcha验证码服务开发工具:Visual Studio 2017 15.7.3开发平台:64位 Windows 10目标框架:.NET Core 2.1完成度:已实现Github地址:准备开发环境,新建项目安装SDK打开下载页面 https://www.mi...

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(122.237.168.**)

    Elasticsearch 6.8.5 发布

    Elasticsearch 6.8.5 发布了,此版本更新内容包括: Enhancements Engine 通过并发实时 get 避免不必要的刷新 Infra/Settings 不引用过滤设置的值 Machine Learning 机器学习本地进程处于 ma...

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(1.192.243.**)


    Internet Information Services (IIS) 是一种灵活、安全且可管理的 Web 服务器,用于托管 Web 应用(包括 ASP.NET Core)。虽然我们的程序可以跨平台了,不过还是有些服务是部署在windows服务器下的,下面我们就从头开始部署下我们的程序到IIS.

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(49.76.205.***)



  • 匿名 浏览资讯(114.241.248.**)

    C# Poisson Cumulative Distribution for large Lambdas

    IntroductionPoisson Distribution in C# with Ramanujan’s factorial approximationBackgroundIf you need the Poisson cumulative distribution function for very large Lambdas, this code is an alternative....

  • 匿名 浏览问题(223.72.33.**)

    C#&.NET Winform桌面应用程序中如何动态生成控件并添加事件呢?

    如题,在C#&.NET Winform桌面应用程序中如何动态生成控件并添加事件呢? 假如当前有一个Doctor类: public class Doctor { public Doctor() { Appoin...

  • 匿名 浏览问题(171.15.10.**)

    C#/.NET/.NET Core应用程序编程开发中如何在foreach循环中获取当前迭代项的索引位置?

    在C#/.NET/.NET Core应用程序编程开发中,有一个数组(Array)或者集合(List),现需要对这个数组或者集合使用foreach进行循环遍历。如何在循环迭代的过程中获取到当前迭代项在数组或者集合中的索引位置呢?

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(218.71.61.**)

    Defer with C# 8.0

    Go ( has a really nice little language feature called defer, which is a keyword that lets you defer a statement until the current function returns, and you can see an example here. Given all the new language features in C# 8.0, I wanted to see what it would look like to use this in C# today.

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(114.239.250.***)


    Internet Information Services(IIS,以前称为Internet Information Server)互联网信息服务是Microsoft公司提供的可扩展Web服务器,支持HTTP,HTTP/2,HTTPS,FTP,FTPS,SMTP和NNTP等。起初用于Windows NT系列,随后内置在Windows 2000、Windows XP Professional、Windows Server 2003和后续版本一起发行,但在Windows XP Home版本上并没有IIS。IIS目前只适用于Windows系统,不适用于其他操作系统。

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(120.245.60.***)

    雪花算法(Snowflake)C#版本 压测Id重复严重

    不建议在生产环境中使用,压测重复id严重 不建议在生产环境中使用,压测重复id严重 不建议在生产环境中使用,压测重复id严重压测工具 Jmeter大名鼎鼎的 雪花算法 Twitter's Snowflake我就不多介绍了,直接上代码吧目前能搜索(百度,github,Google)到的C#版的代码基本上都一致 和java版本并无区别 public class SnowflakeNet{...

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(119.102.40.**)

    Blazor pages get partial class support

    Next .NET Core version 3.1 brings some good news to Blazor – partial page classes. Maybe it’s not so big thing for many guys out there but sure great feature for those who like clean solutions. Here’s my story about partial page classes and their comparison with code-behind classes supported already today.

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(51.222.253.**)

    .NET 中创建支持集合初始化器的类型

    对象初始化器和集合初始化器只是语法糖,但是能让你的代码看起来更加清晰。至少能让对象初始化的代码和其他业务执行的代码分开,可读性会好一些。 本文将编写一个类型,可以使用集合初始化器构造这个类型。不只是添加元素的集合初始化器,还有带索引的集合初始化器。

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(123.52.13.***)

    Getting started with Azure Cosmos DB and .NET Core: Part 1 -- Installing the Cosmos emulator, writing and reading data

    I’d like to start using Cosmos, and I’ve have a bunch of questions about it – how to create databases, how to write to it and read from it, how can I use attachments and spatial data, how can I secure it, how can I test the code that uses it…and lots more. So I’m going to write a few posts over the coming weeks which hopefully will answer these questions, starting with some basics and moving to more advanced topics in later posts.

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(113.237.148.**)

    Non-nullable references with C# 8 and .NET Core 3.0

    Two weeks ago .NET Core 3.0 was officially published. Together with the new framework version, Visual Studio 2019 got support for a long-awaited C# 8.0. The complete list of the new language features is available here on the MSDN, but the one that deserves special attention is Nullable reference types...

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(125.123.70.***)

    PostgreSQL 12 RC 1 发布

    PostgreSQL 12 的第一个发行候选版本现已可供下载。PostgreSQL 12 的正式发布计划日期为 2019 年 10 月 3 日。

  • 匿名 浏览资讯(123.149.76.**)

    Release: SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) v8.3

    SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for Oracle, MySQL, SAP ASE (formerly SAP Sybase ASE), DB2, and Access allows users to convert a database schema to a Microsoft SQL Server schema, upload the schema, and then migrate data to the target SQL Server (see below for supported versions).