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    gRPC and C# 8 Async stream cancellation

    In the previous post “gRPC and C# 8 Async stream“, we looked at how gRPC server stream and C# 8 Async stream work great together. In this post, we are looking at the way we can, from the client, stop the server to stream results back.

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    最近在Github上找合适的人脸识别引擎,想要本地化用,不用开放的一些API(比如腾讯AI、百度AI),有些场景联不了网,一开始搜索的是时候(关键字:face recognition)就找到了最出名的face_recognition,star将近两万个,大佬级别的项目,一看开发语言python,调用的库是Dlib,本想着要不下载下来玩玩,奈何python的水平一般,包装水平太烂。后来再一阵寻找,略...

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    如何设计一个高性能 Elasticsearch mapping

    在关系型数据库设计当中,表的设计尤其重要,然而关系型数据库更关注的表与表之间的关系,以及表的划分是否合理,而 Elasticsearch 中却更加关注字段类型的设计,一个好的字段类型设计可以更好的利用 Elasticsearch 的搜索分析特性。

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    Consuming a GraphQL API with ASP.NET Core

    In the previous article, we have finished creating mutations in the GraphQL application, thus finishing the GraphQL integration in ASP.NET Core Web API. In this article, we are going to consume GraphQL API by creating an ASP.NET Core app. To consume GraphQL API with the ASP.NET Core app, we are going to use the GraphQL.Client library which will help us in the process.

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    VSCode 1.35 发布,新的图标,支持远程开发

    Visual Studio Code 五月份更新之 1.35 版本已发布。更新 Visual Studio Code 图标;改进“转到定义(Go to Definition)”行为;默认显示面包屑导航(Breadcrumb navigation);JavaScript/TypeScript 的智能选择;TypeScript 中提取到类型别名(Extract to type alias)的重构 ;集成终端支持真实颜色(true color);更好的合并冲突显示;远程开发 (Preview) 可在稳定版使用 。

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    部署注意jdk的环境变量配置导入脚本在刚下载apollo-build-scripts里sql目录下的两个脚本导入到mysql里apolloconfigdb.sqlapolloportaldb修改项目数据库配置编辑,找到下面的配置项,修改为对应的数据库信息# apollo config db infoapollo_config_db_url=jdbc:mysql:/...

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    Implementing State in .NET Core gRPC Messages with oneof

    In the real world, you've been dealing with the State pattern every time you designed a set of database tables. The Protocol Buffers specification lets you do the same thing when you define the messages you send and receive from your gRPC Web Service.

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    Bootstrap,来自 Twitter,是目前最受欢迎的前端框架。Bootstrap 是基于 HTML、CSS、JAVASCRIPT 的,它简洁灵活,使得 Web 开发更加快捷。它由Twitter的设计师Mark Otto和Jacob Thornton合作开发,是一个CSS/HTML框架。Boot...

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    前言上一篇《我的技能树二》文章分享了我的技能中的前端技能和Java技能,今天继续跟大家分享的就是后端技能了。我的技能树我当前的技能树:其中,标注为黄色旗帜的是基本掌握,标注为红色旗帜的为使用熟练。未标注的只是了解。数据库数据库数据库是信息化系统编程的基础。因为我一直是做信息化系统的,所以这一块比较熟悉。最初熟悉的数据库是基于PB开发的Sybase,SQL A...

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    Dependency Injection in C# using Autofac

    In this video, you’re going to learn about what dependency injection frameworks are and how they help your application’s dependency management. We take a look at the available dependency injection frameworks for the .NET platform. Next, we learn the fundamentals of Autofac.

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    [ASP.NET Core 3框架揭秘] 配置[4]:将配置绑定为对象

    虽然应用程序可以直接利用通过IConfigurationBuilder对象创建的IConfiguration对象来提取配置数据,但是我们更倾向于将其转换成一个POCO对象,以面向对象的方式来使用配置,我们将这个转换过程称为配置绑定。配置绑定可以通过如下几个针对IConfiguration的扩展方法来实现,这些扩展方法都定义在NuGet包“Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder”中。一、ConfigurationBinderpublic static class ConfigurationBinder{public static void Bind(t...

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    API versioning in ASP.NET Core

    Very often, API versioning is something that is being thought of only when there is a need for changing our API. However, we shouldn't wait until we need such a thing before we implement it. Rather, we should have a versioning strategy, that we will follow while building our API endpoints, right from the beginning of API development.

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    JavaScript创建对象的方式有很多,通过Object构造函数或对象字面量的方式也可以创建单个对象,显然这两种方式会产生大量的重复代码,并不适合量产。接下来介绍七种非常经典的创建对象的方式,他们也各有优缺点。(内容主要来自于《JavaScript高级程序设计》,还参考了一下别人写的文章)一、工厂模式function createPerson(name, job) {var o = new ...

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    [Asp.Net Core] Blazor WebAssembly - 工程向 - 如何在欢迎页面里, 预先加载wasm所需的文件

    前言, Blazor Assembly 需要最少 1.9M 的下载量.  ( Blazor WebAssembly 船新项目下载量测试 , 仅供参考.) 随着程序越来越复杂, 引用的东西越来越多, 需要更多的下载量 ,有一些网站的网络可能较差, 加载这些文件需要一定的时间.  对于一些网站而言, 它不是一开始就把wasm页面暴露给游客的.  wasm更加适合做的,  是一些需要与服务器进行大量交互的App类程序. 例如网站后台管理界面,  聊天后台界面, 等等. 所以, 大部分场合, 游客是先进了网站, 然后登陆, 最后才到wasm页面.  基于这种情况, 这里提供了一个例子, 关于如何预先加...

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    gRPC vs HTTP APIs

    ASP.NET Core now enables developers to build gRPC services. gRPC is an opinionated contract-first remote procedure call framework, with a focus on performance and developer productivity. gRPC integrates with ASP.NET Core 3.0, so you can use your existing ASP.NET Core logging, configuration, authentication patterns to build new gRPC services.

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    Get started with TinyMvvm

    This is a tutorial that will guide you through how to get started building an app using Xamarin.Forms and TinyMvvm.

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    Up Next: .NET 5

    Now that Microsoft has shipped .NET Core 3.1, the next stop on the .NET Core roadmap is just plain old .NET 5 with no "Core" and no "Framework" -- it's all just .NET from here on.

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    ASP.NET Core 3.1使用Redis缓存数据库实现精准执行延迟任务的解决方案

    作为一名.NET开发者,你是否曾遇到过类似这样的需求:“在一个电商网站中,当一个订单超过30分钟仍未支付,则需使用任务将此订单设置为作废订单。”。这是一个在开发过程中常见的定时任务(或者延迟任务)的典型案例,定时任务/延迟任务有非常多的场景,我们不能一一列举,那么,在程序开发中的实现方式又有哪些呢?定时轮循数据库,即使用定时任务(比如30秒,1分钟,2分钟…)去定时检查数据库的订单数据,将超过30分钟仍未支付的订单状态修改为作废订单。使用第三方组件,如:Quartz.NET, FluentScheduler,Hangfire等定时任务...

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    Bring WCF apps to the latest .NET with CoreWCF and Upgrade Assistant

    Since CoreWCF 1.0 was released in April, we have received customer interest in tooling to assist the upgrade from WCF on .NET Framework to CoreWCF on .NET 6 and later versions of .NET. We are happy to announce that the team has released the Preview version of CoreWCF extension for C# projects in Upgrade Assistant that does most of the steps needed for the upgrade. In this blog, we will walk through the migration experience using Upgrade Assistant on a simple WCF project.