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Don't Let Your .NET Applications Fail: Resiliency with Polly
One aspect of application development that is often overlooked, especially by beginner developers is application resilience. A lot of tutorials often focus on the happy path of execution, omitting the details of potential errors that can occur.
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Add Uno.Extensions to a WinUI Multi-Platform Uno Application
This post will be the first in a series of posts talking about Uno.Extensions, a set of libraries that the Uno team have been working on to simplify common application scenarios and make it quicker and easier to build robust multi-platform applications using the Uno Platform.
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理解 Roslyn 中的红绿树(Red-Green Trees)
红绿树的影子如果你是通过搜索找到这篇文章的,那么至少证明你调试过 Roslyn API 的使用,或者阅读过 Roslyn 的源码。因为正常使用 Roslyn 的 API 时你是看不到红绿树的,这是 Roslyn 的实现细节。但你在调试的时候可能会看到 Green 属性,或者在阅读源码时看到 GetRed 方法。▲ 调试时看到的绿树protected T GetRed(ref T ...
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理解 Roslyn 中的红绿树(Red-Green Trees)
红绿树的影子如果你是通过搜索找到这篇文章的,那么至少证明你调试过 Roslyn API 的使用,或者阅读过 Roslyn 的源码。因为正常使用 Roslyn 的 API 时你是看不到红绿树的,这是 Roslyn 的实现细节。但你在调试的时候可能会看到 Green 属性,或者在阅读源码时看到 GetRed 方法。▲ 调试时看到的绿树protected T GetRed(ref T ...
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MSBuild/Roslyn 和 NuGet 的 100 个坑
MSBuild 不愧是强大的编译器,它提供的扩展机制让你几乎可以编译任何类型的文件或项目;Roslyn 是全新编写的一套编译器,不过它保留了 MSBuild 的大部分机制;NuGet 是 .NET 生态系统中的包管理机制,被原生集成在新的 Microsoft.NET.Sdk 中。不过,他们的坑还是挺多的;本文就是他们 100 个坑的集合。
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.NET 5/.NET Core使用EF Core 5(Entity Framework Core)连接MySQL数据库写入/读取数据示例教程
前言在.NET Core/.NET 5的应用程序开发,与其经常搭配的数据库可能是SQL Server。而将.NET Core/.NET 5应用程序与SQL Server数据库的ORM组件有微软官方提供的EF Core(Entity Framework Core),也有像SqlSugar这样的第三方O...
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My 5 Favorite Software Design Principles
Here are 5 of my favorite software design principles that have really helped my career. It not only helped me build better software but helped me understand the craft and relieve a lot of frustration.
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本文将告诉大家一个黑科技方法在运行时动态获取对象本身占用空间,不包括对象引用的其他对象的空间大小的方法。此方法是在开源仓库 sidristij/dotnetex: Gets size of .Net Framework objects, can change type of object to incompatible and can alloc .Net objects at unmanaged memory area 找到的方法。通过不安全代码和反射获取对象类型的 MethodTableInfo 即可在 MethodTableInfo 里面读取 Size 属性,关于 MethodTableInfo 的定义如下...
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Setting the Page Title in a Blazor App
This post is gonna be a short one (hence the Tips tag), but it implements something I wish was natively supported in Blazor: setting the page title! That's right, we're going to see how to take something that used to be a single line of code and make it... *counts on fingers*... 17 lines of code! Progress! OK, joking aside, I think this is a useful component, and I hope you do too, dear readers.
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C# 11 Preview Updates - Raw string literals, UTF-8 and more!
Features for C# 11 are coming along nicely! You can check these features out by downloading Visual Studio 17.2 Preview 3 or .NET 7 Preview 3 for other editors. You can find more about C# 11 features that appeared earlier in What’s new in C# 11 and Early peek at C# 11 features and you can follow the progress of C# 11 on the Feature Status page. You can find out about other .NET 7 Preview 3 features in this .NET Blog post and more about Visual Studio 17.2 in the release notes.
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DataGear 1.6.1 发布,数据管理与可视化分析平台
DataGear 1.6.1 版本发布,这是一个略显尴尬的紧急BUG修复版本,尴尬内容如下: 修复:修复新版本图表插件未能自动替换旧版本插件的BUG; 此BUG会导致图表、看板展示异常,建议下载更新。 Da...
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基于.net core 2.0+mysql+AceAdmin搭建一套快速开发框架
前言.net core已经出来一段时间了,相信大家对.net core的概念已经很清楚了,这里就不再赘述。笔者目前也用.net core做过一些项目,并且将以前framework下的一些经验移植到了.net core下,并结合.net core本身的一些特性整理成此框架,以供学习参考。如有不足之处,欢迎指正。 先睹为快,演示地址:http://cloud.eggtwo.com/main/...
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从壹开始前后端分离 [ vue + .netcore 补充教程 ] 二九║ Nuxt实战:异步实现数据双端渲染
回顾哈喽大家好!又是元气满满的周~~~二哈哈,不知道大家中秋节过的如何,马上又是国庆节了,博主我将通过三天的时间,给大家把项目二的数据添上(这里强调下,填充数据不是最重要的,最重要的是要配合着让大家明白 nuxt.js 是如何一步步实现服务端渲染的),虽说是基于 Nuxt 的,但是数据源还是我们的老数据,就是 .net core api 的数据,和上一个项目中使用的是一样的,这里要说下,有的小伙伴...
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JavaScript是一个绝冠全球的编程语言,可用于Web开发、移动应用开发(PhoneGap、Appcelerator)、服务器端开发(Node.js和Wakanda)等等。JavaScript还是很多新手踏入编程世界的第一个语言。既可以用来显示浏览器中的简单提示框,也可以通过nodebot或nodruino来控制机器人。能够编写结构清晰、性能高效的JavaScript代码的开发人员,现如今已成了招聘市场最受追捧的人。 在这篇文章里,将和大家分享一些JavaScript的技巧、秘诀和最佳实践,除了少数几个外,不管是浏览器的JavaScript引擎,还是服务器端JavaScript解释器,均适用。
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GRPC with C# and .Net Core Basic Concepts
This article explains basic concepts with Grpc like ProtoBuff, service, channels, etc. In the last article, we saw how to get started with the Grpc using C# and .Net Core; You can find that article here. In this article let us try to explore the basic concepts in the grpc. Agenda for the article will be like below...
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Quick tips to decorate texts in Xamarin Forms
It has happened to all of us that we have to develop some pages full of texts without any feature else and as we know a lot of text together can overwhelm the user. That’s why in this post we will be learning to create it as friendly as possible to make our app’s user experience better. In this time we will be learning about some simple but important things we can use on these cases, we will be developing the following text decoration types