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关于[AuthenticationStateProvider in Blazor WebAssembly]的摘要:

After all the knowledge, we have been collecting during this series, it is time to learn about authentication and authorization in Blazor WebAssembly. In this article, we are going to explore how to accomplish these actions by inspecting the AuthenticationStateProvider. We are going to create a test AuthenticationStateProvider to inspect how it works and how to protect our components. Furthermore, we are going to hide UI from unauthorized users and read the authentication state in the C# code. Later on in the series, we are going to replace the test one with the real AuthenticationStateProvider class.

原文地址: https://code-maze.com/authenticationstateprovider-blazor-webassembly/

收录时间: 2020-08-04 浏览量: 3284 分类: Blazor

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