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关于[Using Access Token with Blazor WebAssembly HttpClient]的摘要:

In this article, we are going to learn how to use generated Access Token with Blazor WebAssembly to gain access to the protected resources on the Web API’s side. Until now, we have integrated the Blazor WebAssembly app with IdentityServer4 and enabled login and logout actions. After successful login, IDP sends us the id_token and the access_token. But we are not using that access_token yet. So, in this article, we are going to change that. But, using the access token with Blazor WebAssembly is not going to be our only topic. We are going to learn how to configure our HTTP client to send unauthorized requests as well.

原文地址: https://code-maze.com/using-access-token-with-blazor-webassembly-httpclient/

收录时间: 2020-10-15 浏览量: 2529 分类: Blazor

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