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关于[A .NET Color Console Helper]的摘要:

In this post I'll discuss a small Console helper class I've been using to make it easier and more consistent to use colors with the .NET Console command. While colors are easy enough to access in the Console, to switch colors is a bit of a pain with the plain Console API. The simple class I present here makes it easier to write a line or string in a given color, write a line with multiple colors (using simple [color]text[/color] templating) and an easy way to create a header. The following is a very simple ColorConsole class that provides some useful color helpers...

原文地址: https://weblog.west-wind.com/posts/2020/Jul/10/A-NET-Console-Color-Helper

收录时间: 2020-07-14 浏览量: 2335 分类: .NET

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