你的位置: 码友网首页 / 资讯源列表 / Released: Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 1.1.1

关于[Released: Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 1.1.1]的摘要:

We recently released an update to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient, version 1.1.1. The update addresses a couple of issues that are important to our customers. We also recently released an update to the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SNI package, version 1.1.1, which eliminates its requirement of installing the VC runtime redistributables on client machines.

原文地址: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/sql-server/released-microsoft-data-sqlclient-1-1-1/ba-p/1174890

收录时间: 2020-02-18 浏览量: 1678 分类: .NET

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