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关于[NLog vs. log4net vs. Serilog]的摘要:

Logging information in .NET, or really in any production application, is invaluable. In many cases, developers don’t have direct access to the production environment to debug issues. Good quality logs are the difference between solving problems like Sherlock Holmes and stumbling upon solutions like Inspector Jacques Clouseau. As you can imagine, we’re pretty big on logging here at Stackify, and we’ve written quite a few other blog posts on .NET logging frameworks. I’d encourage you to try out the search and read a few of our previous articles.

原文地址: https://dzone.com/articles/nlog-vs-log4net-vs-serilog-comparing-net-logging-f

收录时间: 2018-09-01 浏览量: 5200 分类: .NET

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