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关于[Using ASP.NET Core SignalR with Vue.js (to create a mini StackOverflow rip-off)]的摘要:

ASP.NET Core 2.1 included the first official release of the redesigned SignalR. It’s been completely rewritten for ASP.NET Core, although it provides a model similar to the one in the previous version of SignalR. This article introduces the main concepts and building blocks of SignalR by implementing a minimalistic version of StackOverflow.com using an ASP.NET Core backend, and a Vue.js frontend. A toy version compared to the full site, this example will be enough to explore the real-time functionality provided by SignalR. We will also explore how to integrate its JavaScript client with the popular Vue frontend framework, as we add bi-directional communication between the client and the server through the SignalR connection. I hope you will enjoy this article and find it a useful introduction to SignalR and a practical example on how to integrate it with one of the fastest growing frontend frameworks. The companion source code for the article can be found on GitHub.

原文地址: https://www.dotnetcurry.com/aspnet-core/1480/aspnet-core-vuejs-signalr-app

收录时间: 2019-02-19 浏览量: 3460 分类: ASP.NET Core

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