2200 热度

SQL Server 审计(Audit)

审计(Audit)用于追踪和记录SQL Server实例,或者单个数据库中发生的事件(Event),审计运作的机制是通过捕获事件(Event),把事件包含的信息写入到事件日志(Event Log)或审计文件(Audit File)中,为review提供最真实详细的数据。审计主要包含服务器审计对象(Server Audit,简称审计对象)、服务器级别的审计规范(Server Audit Specification)、数据库级别的审计规范(Database Audit Specification)和目标(Target)。

收录时间: 2021-04-26
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
1507 热度

第五章 优化查询性能(一)

InterSystems SQL自动使用查询优化器创建在大多数情况下提供最佳查询性能的查询计划。该优化器在许多方面提高了查询性能,包括确定要使用哪些索引、确定多个AND条件的求值顺序、在执行多个联接时确定表的顺序,以及许多其他优化操作。可以在查询的FROM子句中向此优化器提供“提示”。本章介绍可用于评估查询计划和修改InterSystems SQL将如何优化特定查询的工具。

收录时间: 2021-04-26
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
1774 热度

SQL Server Management Studio 18.7 now generally available

The release of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 18.7 is now generally available for download. Today we’re sharing some of the updates from the release and the ongoing work in SQL Server Management Studio. Download SSMS 18.7 and read on for some highlights from the SSMS release notes. The 18.7 release is the third major release of SSMS in 2020 and expands on our commitment to providing quality tooling for database administration. Key changes include...

收录时间: 2020-10-21
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2797 热度

SQL Server Management Studio 18.6 is now generally available 

The release of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 18.6 is now available for download. Today we’re sharing some of the updates from the release and the ongoing work in SQL Server Management Studio. Download SSMS 18.6 and read on for some highlights from the SSMS Release Notes. The 18.6 release is the second major release of SSMS in 2020 and packs several high impact changes, including a fix for crashes in database diagrams. Key fixes include...

收录时间: 2020-07-23
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
1646 热度

Return JSON from a SQL Query

Do you know, you can return JSON data from a SQL query? It is very useful in writing REST or GraphQL API on the top of a SQL Server Database.

收录时间: 2020-07-08
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2473 热度

SQL Server JSON Diff. Checking for differences between JSON documents.

If you are working on any module or routine such as a procedure, function or batch that produces a result, then you will want to compare it with something that you’ve prepared earlier to make sure that it is the same. It is often necessary to compare objects, particularly when you are working on a routine that generates an object and you want to check that an improvement you’ve made is actually returned the same result. An XML or JSON document is the nearest we get to an object in SQL Server. This is probably as near as you’d want. Although this routine is designed to compare JSON documents, and takes them as input, it can be used for comparing any results.

收录时间: 2020-07-08
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
AD 友情赞助
1878 热度


公用表表达式(Common Table Expression) 是SQL Server2005版本的引入的一个特性。CTE可以看组是一个临时的结果集,可以再接下来来的一个select,insert,update,delete,merge语句中多次引用。使用公用表达式CTE可以让语句更加清晰简练。

收录时间: 2020-05-16
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2257 热度

SQL Server数据库如何向一个已存在的数据表中添加带有默认值的列/字段呢?

在SQL Server数据库中,如何向一个已存在的数据表中添加带有默认值的列/字段呢?

收录时间: 2020-04-30
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2351 热度

SQL Server数据库如何将一个表的某个/某些字段的数据更新成另一个表的某个/某些字段的数据呢?

在SQL Server数据库中,需要根据一个表(表B)的某个或者某些字段的数据更新另一个表(表A)中某个或者某些字段的值,使用SQL脚本应该如何实现呢?

收录时间: 2020-04-29
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2046 热度

Deleting Lost Transactions in MS SQL Server (Part 2)

In the first part, we presented the general algorithm for deleting open transactions that are not completed from a SQL Server database and considered the process of creating a table to record incomplete transactions. Now, let’s look at the process of creating a CRUD stored procedure to find and delete active transactions in SQL Server.

收录时间: 2020-04-21
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
1851 热度

SQL Agent Job Generator: Scheduling A Job

In this last entry in the initial series of posts on building a SQL Agent Job Generator, I am going to add the ability to schedule the jobs that we generated in the previous post. The code that is available here in github: https://github.com/drsqlgithub/SSISDeployTool/tree/e8c44505bba6b3c764531c8b489101b39b5c27a7, is likely sufficient for some smaller organization’s needs with jobs. (Future entries will handle triggering jobs, validating the Json, capturing performance history, Finding differences between Json and actual jobs. SSIS jobs and deployments. (the name of the github repository is SSISDeploy for a reason)), etc).

收录时间: 2020-04-18
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2526 热度

SQL Server数据库中如何使用SQL脚本快速生成一个数据表对应的C#实体类呢?

如题,在SQL Server数据库中,如何将数据库中定义好的一个数据表生成对应的C#实体对象呢?这里说的生成并不是指通过ORM(EF)等生成的方式,而是比ORM更直接的方式,应该如何操作呢?比如现在有...

收录时间: 2020-04-17
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2026 热度

Improvements to machine learning capabilities in SQL Server 2019

Many organizations seek to do more with their data than pump out dashboards and reports. Applying advanced analytical approaches such as machine learning is an essential arena of knowledge for any data professional. While database administrators (DBAs) don’t necessarily have to become data scientists, they should have a deep understanding of the machine learning technologies at their disposal and how to use them in collaboration with other domain experts.

收录时间: 2019-12-18
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2103 热度

Tools and commands for running SQL Server 2019 on Linux

Organizations that embraced the option to run Microsoft SQL Server 2017 on Linux have been looking forward to the release of SQL Server 2019. Regardless of which operating system (OS) you choose, it’s the same SQL Server database code, and includes even more of the same features and services as the Windows release. This introductory blog post about running Microsoft SQL Server 2019 on Linux provides basic information database professionals need to know before upgrading or migrating SQL Server onto Linux.

收录时间: 2019-12-12
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
1974 热度

What’s new with SQL Server 2019 Linux features

With SQL Server 2017, Microsoft entered the world of multi-OS platform support for SQL Server. For many technical professionals, the ability to run SQL Server on the same open source operating system as the rest of the application stack is not just a goal, but a dream that Microsoft made come true. With the release of SQL Server 2019, the inclusion of Linux now includes new features, support, and capabilities.

收录时间: 2019-12-05
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
AD 友情赞助
4371 热度

SQL Server Management Studio 18.4 and sqlpackage v18.4 generally available

Today we’re announcing the release of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 18.4. This update has full support for SQL Server 2019 capabilities as well as some bug fixes. You can download SQL Server Management Studio 18.4 today and review SQL Server Management Studio release notes for details.

收录时间: 2019-11-06
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2305 热度

SQL Server 2019新功能披露:为企业带来改进的智能数据体验

SQL Server 2019 正式版的发布进度有些缓慢,微软先是在 8 月份推出了候选发布(RC),然后经过了一个多星期才推送了稍微更新后的版本。好消息是,在今日召开的 Ignite 2019 大会上,该公司终于谈论了 SQL Server 2019 的大量新功能,以帮助用户更有效地从不同格式 / 来源的数据中获得见解。

收录时间: 2019-11-05
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2106 热度

SQL Server 2019 is now generally available

As you saw from our launch announcementearlier today, over a year ago at Microsoft Ignite we announcedour first preview of SQL Server 2019 and today our latest releaseis now generally available.You have told us that in today’s demanding world of massive data, wide variety of data sources, and expect...

收录时间: 2019-11-05
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2586 热度

SQL Server Management Studio is as Relevant as Ever

SQL Server Management Studio is as Relevant as EverAfter fifteen years of heavy usage by developers and DBAs, it might seem like Microsoft’s free tool, SQL Server Management Studio, is about to go out of style. SSMS is no longer the cool new kid on the block: Microsoft has shown consistent effort to...

收录时间: 2019-09-26
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2391 热度

SQL Server Management Studio 18.3 is now generally available

Today we’re announcing the release of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 18.3. For this update, while we added some features, our focus was primarily on fundamentals such as stability, reliability, and performance.

收录时间: 2019-09-24
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
AD 友情赞助