2599 热度

Understanding SQL Server Deadlocks

This is a continuation of a series of articles I've written on SQL Server concepts.When you work with SQL Server long enough on a database with enough traffic, you're eventually going to encounter deadlocks.This article discusses what deadlocks are, how to interpret deadlock graphs, and some options...

收录时间: 2019-09-13
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2041 热度

Released: General Availability of Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 1.0

We have released for general availability Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 1.0. This .NET Data Provider for SQL Server provides general connectivity to the database and supports all the latest SQL Server features for applications targeting .NET Framework and .NET Core. To try out the new package, add a NuGet reference to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient in your application.

收录时间: 2019-08-30
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2203 热度

Release: SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) v8.3

SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for Oracle, MySQL, SAP ASE (formerly SAP Sybase ASE), DB2, and Access allows users to convert a database schema to a Microsoft SQL Server schema, upload the schema, and then migrate data to the target SQL Server (see below for supported versions).

收录时间: 2019-07-31
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2425 热度

SQL Server Management Studio 18.2 is now generally available

We are excited to announce the release of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 18.2. For this update, while we added some features, our focus was dedicated to fundamentals such as stability, reliability, performance, etc.

收录时间: 2019-07-28
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
1977 热度

SQL Server 2019 community technology preview 3.2 is now available

We’re excited to announce the monthly release of SQL Server 2019 community technology preview (CTP) 3.2. With this release of SQL Server 2019 community technology preview 3.2, we are announcing the public preview of Big Data Clusters for SQL Server 2019. Big Data Clusters for SQL Server enables big data analytics within SQL Server. It brings HDFS and Apache Spark™ into SQL Server for scale out compute and storage....

收录时间: 2019-07-25
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2113 热度

SQL: Using CROSS APPLY to replace multi-column predicate look-ups in T-SQL

SQL: Using CROSS APPLY to replace multi-column predicate look-ups in T-SQL...

收录时间: 2019-07-23
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
AD 友情赞助
2209 热度



收录时间: 2019-07-11
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2395 热度

SQL Server温故系列(3):SQL 子查询 & 公用表表达式 CTE

子查询是一个嵌套在 SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE 或 DELETE 语句或其他子查询中的查询。通俗来讲,子查询就是嵌套在大“查询”中的小查询。子查询也称为内部查询或内部选择,而包含子查询的语句也称为外部查询或外部选择。从概念上说,子查询结果会代入外部查询(尽管这不一定是 SQL Server 实际处理带有子查询的 T-SQL 语句的方式)。所以子查询会在其父查询之前执行,以便可以将内部查询的结果传递给外部查询... 比较常见的子查询有:单行子查询、多行子查询、相关子查询、嵌套子查询等。然而并没有一种泾渭分明的子查询分类方法,换句话说,有可能某个子查询既是多行子查询,也是相关子查询,同时还是嵌套子查询。

收录时间: 2019-07-09
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2242 热度

SQL Server 2019 community technology preview 3.0 is now available

We’re excited to announce the monthly release of SQL Server 2019 community technology preview (CTP) 3.0. For customers in the Early Adoption Program, CTP 3.0 is the first release where you’re able to run SQL Server 2019 in production. To apply, please reach out to your assigned Program Manager for more information. Check out the What’s new in SQL Server 2019 preview documentation to learn more.

收录时间: 2019-05-23
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
3540 热度

SQL Server 2016 + AlwaysOn 无域集群

创建集群配置集群的管理名称和管理IP等待配置完成可以查看集群报告,稍后配置文件共享见证创建文件共享见证由于我们是两个节点的故障转移集群,所以需要加上共享文件夹,如果是奇数节点,这一步是不需要做的!配置集群仲裁选择文件共享见证在集群节点之外的一台服务器上创建共享文件夹\\XIANGMU4TEST01\share,并设置 Everyone 完全控制的权限配置

收录时间: 2019-05-22
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
4262 热度

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 18.0 released for general availability

When I joined the SQL Tools team as a PM back in October 2018, my top priority was to release SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 18. I expected a fair amount of work but didn’t realize how complicated the process would be. 6 months later, having passed several internal checks such as accessibility, privacy, security, compliance, etc. among many others, and after 5 previews, I am very excited to share that SSMS 18 is now generally available. You can download SQL Server Management Studio 18 today.

收录时间: 2019-04-25
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
3270 热度

SQL Server中编写自动生成指定时间段内按小时的连续的数据列表并按每个小时统计数据的SQL语句示例


收录时间: 2019-04-18
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
5018 热度

【SQL】ROW_NUMBER() OVER(partition by 分组列 order by 排序列)用法详解+经典实例

#用法说明select row_number() over(partition by A order by B ) as rowIndex from table A :为分组字段B:为分组后的排序字段。table 表的结构 多为:  多人 多条的相关数据。(比如:订单信息)此条sql语句,多用于对数据进行分组排序,并对每个组中的数据分别进行编号,编号从1开始递增,每个组内的编...

收录时间: 2019-04-04
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2242 热度

MSSQL - 最佳实践 - 如何打码隐私数据列

在SQL Server安全系列专题月报分享中,我们已经分享了:如何使用对称密钥实现SQL Server列加密技术、使用非对称密钥加密方式实现SQL Server列加密、使用混合密钥实现SQL Server列加密技术、列加密技术带来的查询性能问题以及相应解决方案和行级别安全解决方案这五篇文章,文章详情可以参见往期月报。本期月报我们分享使用SQL Server 2016 dynamic data ...

收录时间: 2019-03-28
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
3695 热度

【Sql Server】SQL SERVER 递归查询

SQL SERVER 2005之前的版本只能用函数方法实现,SQL SERVER 2005之后新增了CTE功能,可以利用CTE实现递归查询;CTE:公用表达式Common Table Expression 是SQL SERVER 2005版本之后引入的一个特性;#填充测试数据1、sql1 Create table GroupInfo1([Id] int,[GroupName] nvarch...

收录时间: 2018-12-23
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
AD 友情赞助
2617 热度

SQL Server 2019 on Linux with a Docker container on Ubuntu

In this article, we will install SQL Server 2019 using the Docker container. Docker is basically an application package which contains all dependencies in the package itself. We can just call the Docker container and provide the configuration parameter to start using the application. Before we install SQL Server 2019 on the virtual machine let us do a few checks and necessary pre-requisites.

收录时间: 2018-11-30
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
3474 热度

Six different methods to copy tables between databases in SQL Server

In this article, you’ll learn the key skills that you need to copy tables between SQL Server instances including both on-premises and cloud SQL databases. In this article, I’ll walk-through several ways of copying a table(s) between SQL databases, helping you to see the benefits and trade-offs of each option.

收录时间: 2018-11-18
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2192 热度

How to Write a Better T-SQL Code

Here are some basic guidelines that are good to consider when writing T-SQL (Transact SQL). These tips and hints are aimed for the beginner-level T-SQL developers.Always Use a Schema for the Program...

收录时间: 2018-11-18
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
3106 热度

SQL Server support for TLS 1.2 - Read This First!

In January 2016, Microsoft announced that TLS 1.2 would now be supported in specific builds of SQL Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, and 2014. Personally, I was pleasantly surprised to see this support back-ported to 2008 and 2008 R2; I was convinced that those customers would just be urged to upgrade if TLS coverage was that important to them. So this is great news.

收录时间: 2018-11-18
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
2404 热度

What’s new in SQL Server 2017

Posted on August 15, 2018by Prashanth JayaramSQL Server 2017 is considered a major release in the history of the SQL Server life cycle for various reasons. From my personal point of view, SQL Server 2...

收录时间: 2018-08-17
分类: SQL Server
贡献者: Rector
AD 友情赞助