你的位置: 码友网首页 / 资讯源列表 / Released: General Availability of Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 1.0

关于[Released: General Availability of Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 1.0]的摘要:

We have released for general availability Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 1.0. This .NET Data Provider for SQL Server provides general connectivity to the database and supports all the latest SQL Server features for applications targeting .NET Framework and .NET Core. To try out the new package, add a NuGet reference to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient in your application.

原文地址: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/SQL-Server/Released-General-Availability-of-Microsoft-Data-SqlClient-1-0/ba-p/825859

收录时间: 2019-08-30 浏览量: 2043 分类: SQL Server

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