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关于[Tools and commands for running SQL Server 2019 on Linux]的摘要:

Organizations that embraced the option to run Microsoft SQL Server 2017 on Linux have been looking forward to the release of SQL Server 2019. Regardless of which operating system (OS) you choose, it’s the same SQL Server database code, and includes even more of the same features and services as the Windows release. This introductory blog post about running Microsoft SQL Server 2019 on Linux provides basic information database professionals need to know before upgrading or migrating SQL Server onto Linux.

原文地址: https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2019/12/11/tools-and-commands-for-running-sql-server-2019-on-linux/

收录时间: 2019-12-12 浏览量: 2105 分类: SQL Server

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