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关于[Why Enterprises Are Turning to ASP.NET Core for Web Application Development]的摘要:

When it comes to web application development, there are multiple technologies available to choose from. There are open-source technologies like Java & PHP, and then, there is closed-source technology ASP.NET MVC. While millions of web developers use ASP.NET MVC to build web applications, but the latest ASP.NET Core framework offers far more benefits than the ASP.NET MVC for web application development. ASP.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform framework developed by both the Microsoft and its community. Basically, it is a complete reform of ASP.NET that combines MVC structure and Web API into a single framework.

原文地址: https://codeburst.io/why-enterprises-are-turning-to-asp-net-core-for-web-application-development-8918cf6148c1

收录时间: 2018-07-13 浏览量: 2409 分类: 综合文章

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