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关于[Simple way to find errors in SQL Server error log]的摘要:

When managing SQL Server there are so many different places to look for data. These include the error logs, system event logs, profiler data, performance counter data, etc. Once you have collected the data you then need to parse through and interpret the data you collected. One of these areas where errors and other informational data is stored is the SQL Server error log. The problem with the error log file is that there is so much data collected it is sometimes hard to determine where the real errors lie. By default all backups and integrity checks are logged in the error log. In addition, if you are auditing logins these messages are also stored in the error log, so this further compounds the problem. It is great to have all of this data, but trying to find your problems can become quite a chore. So how can you find the errors much easier?

原文地址: https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/1307/simple-way-to-find-errors-in-sql-server-error-log/

收录时间: 2018-07-06 浏览量: 2487 分类: SQL Server

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