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关于[Announcing C# Dev Kit for Visual Studio Code]的摘要:

We are thrilled to announce the preview release of C# Dev Kit, a new Visual Studio Code extension that brings an improved editor-first C# development experience to Linux, macOS, and Windows. The C# Dev Kit is designed to enhance your C# productivity when you’re working in VS Code. It works together with the C# extension, which has been updated to be powered by a new fully open-source Language Server Protocol (LSP) host, creating a performant, extensible, and flexible tooling environment that easily integrates new experiences into C# for VS Code. The source repo for this extension is in the process of being migrated and will be available later this week.

原文地址: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/visualstudio/announcing-csharp-dev-kit-for-visual-studio-code/

收录时间: 2023-06-09 浏览量: 2150 分类: VS Code

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