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关于[Visual Studio 2019 v16.9 Preview 2 and New Year Wishes Coming to You!]的摘要:

As we quickly move towards the end of this unpredictable year, our team is delivering at least one more set of features your way in Visual Studio 2019 v16.9 Preview 2! Our C++, .NET, and Xamarin Forms teams have been hard at work to deliver some great new functionality. If you are using Visual Studio 2019 and a new idea comes to mind, feel free to offer suggestions on our Developer Community. Many of our best improvements have come from your suggestions. Here in Redmond, the temperatures are certainly cooling. If the same is true for you, grab a cup of your favorite warm beverage and settle in to read about what’s new in this release. We cannot wait to hear your thoughts.

原文地址: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/visualstudio/visual-studio-2019-v16-9-preview-2/

收录时间: 2020-12-10 浏览量: 1675 分类: Visual Studio

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