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关于[Announcing .NET 5.0]的摘要:

We’re excited to release .NET 5.0 today and for you to start using it. It’s a major release — including C# 9 and F# 5 — with a broad set of new features and compelling improvements. It’s already in active use by teams at Microsoft and other companies, in production and for performance testing. Those teams are showing us great results that demonstrate performance gains and/or opportunities to reduce hosting costs for their web applications. We’ve been running our own website on 5.0 starting with Preview 1. From what we’ve seen and heard so far, .NET 5.0 delivers significant value without much effort to upgrade. It’s a great choice for your next app, and a straightforward upgrade from earlier .NET Core versions. We hope you enjoy using it, on your desktop, laptop, and cloud instances.

原文地址: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/announcing-net-5-0/

收录时间: 2020-11-11 浏览量: 1831 分类: .NET 5

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