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关于[Attribute-Based Access Control with Blazor WebAssembly and IS4]的摘要:

In this article, we are going to learn how to use Attribute-based access control (ABAC) to secure our Blazor WebAssembly application. We have already learned about Role-based access control (RBAC) and how to use roles to secure our app. Here, we are going to do a quick comparison between RBAC and ABAC. Also, we are going to show how to implement Attribute-based access control to provide policies required for the application’s security. We just want to mention that you can find ABAC referred to as Policy-Based Access Control (PBAC) or Claims-Based Access Control (CBAS), so don’t get confused if you find the names like these ones.

原文地址: https://code-maze.com/atribute-based-access-control-blazor-webassembly-identityserver4/

收录时间: 2020-10-23 浏览量: 2277 分类: Blazor

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