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关于[Cross-platform diagnostic tools for .NET Core]的摘要:

.NET Core is cross-platform and open-source. Tell someone, maybe your boss. A good reminder. It's been this way for a half decade but I'm still bumping into folks who have never heard this. Moving forward, .NET 5 will be a unification of the .NET Framework you may have heard for years, and the new .NET Core I like talking about, PLUS great goodness, tools and libraries from Mono and Xamarin. It's one cross-platform .NET with a number greater than 4. Because 5 > 4, natch.

原文地址: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/crossplatform-diagnostic-tools-for-net-core

收录时间: 2020-10-13 浏览量: 1268 分类: .NET Core

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