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关于[Augmenting the .NET Core 3.0 Generic Host]的摘要:

I love the .NET Core 3.0 Generic Host, I really do. As a framework for simplifying common scaffolding and lifetime management of long-running services, it's almost faultless. Unfortunately, the mere fact of being a framework rather than a library can lead to issues where, as a user of the framework, you're unable to accomplish a specific goal. For me, this happened while trying to get instrumentation written to a various EventSource instances to be output - in a configurable manner - through the Generic Host's logging infrastructure. Sounds simple huh, and it really ought to be. But it wasn't. Here's why...

原文地址: https://ian.bebbs.co.uk/posts/AugmentingTheGenericHost

收录时间: 2019-11-19 浏览量: 2043 分类: .NET Core

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