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关于[Getting started with Azure Cosmos DB and .NET Core: Part 1 -- Installing the Cosmos emulator, writing and reading data]的摘要:

I’d like to start using Cosmos, and I’ve have a bunch of questions about it – how to create databases, how to write to it and read from it, how can I use attachments and spatial data, how can I secure it, how can I test the code that uses it…and lots more. So I’m going to write a few posts over the coming weeks which hopefully will answer these questions, starting with some basics and moving to more advanced topics in later posts.

原文地址: https://jeremylindsayni.wordpress.com/2019/02/25/getting-started-with-azure-cosmos-db-and-net-core-part-1-installing-the-cosmos-emulator/

收录时间: 2019-02-26 浏览量: 2031 分类: .NET Core

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