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关于[Remember ASP.NET Request Culture Using Middleware]的摘要:

In the last post, we explored a jumpstart guide to working with a user’s request culture. While localization works out of the box, there seems to be a caveat when it comes to remembering the culture a user prefers. When using the RequestLocalizationMiddleware, we have access to three default providers: Headers, Cookies, and Query String. All of these work as read-only mechanisms, and do not store/remember a user’s language for the duration of their session. In this post, we’ll see what it takes to persist someone’s culture throughout their visit and the steps required to make it work.

原文地址: https://khalidabuhakmeh.com/remember-asdotnet-request-culture-using-middleware

收录时间: 2020-09-26 浏览量: 1534 分类: ASP.NET Core

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