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关于[Integrating Cognitive Service Speech Recognition in .NET Core WPF applications]的摘要:

Some times ago we talked about how to integrate the Cognitive Service Speech Service in UWP apps. Now, let’s see how to use the same service in a .NET Core WPF application. In the original article, we shown how to use the UWP MediaCapture APIs to check the availability of the microphone. Thanks to the Microsoft.Windows.SDK.Contracts NuGet package, we can use the same APIs also from .NET Framework 4.6+ and .NET Core 3.0+ platforms...

原文地址: https://marcominerva.wordpress.com/2020/07/31/integrating-cognitive-service-speech-recognition-in-net-core-wpf-applications/

收录时间: 2020-08-03 浏览量: 1869 分类: WPF

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