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关于[Tales from the Evil Empire - LunrCore, a lightweight search library for .NET]的摘要:

I'm pretty much convinced almost all applications need search. No matter what you're building, you'll likely handle data, and no matter how well you organize it, a good text search is often the fastest way for your users to find what they're looking for. As such, search should be a commodity, a feature that should be as easy as possible to integrate. I'm so convinced of that in fact that my day job is on Azure Cognitive Search, a Microsoft product that provides search as a service and makes indexing smart by adding a customizable pipeline of AI and machine learning enrichments.

原文地址: https://weblogs.asp.net/bleroy/lunrcore

收录时间: 2020-07-28 浏览量: 1640 分类: .NET

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