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关于[A deep-dive into WinUI 3 in desktop apps]的摘要:

XAML Islands was our first solution to enable developers to use UWP XAML inside their desktop (Win32) apps. Within a couple of months after the release of XAML Islands, behavioral insights and customer interviews raised some signals about how developers were using it. We discovered that a significant number of apps were using XAML for the entire UI; in fact, many apps were using WPF’s Window and Windows Forms’s Form classes for the sole purpose of hosting XAML. Additionally, interviews revealed that C++ Windows developers were interested in XAML as a replacement for MFC.

原文地址: https://blogs.windows.com/windowsdeveloper/2020/07/07/a-deep-dive-into-winui-3-in-desktop-apps/

收录时间: 2020-07-09 浏览量: 1970 分类: .NET

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