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关于[Meshing with LinkerD2 using gRPC-enabled .NET Core services]的摘要:

Microservices architectures do certainly serve a noble cause: gain in agility, deploy faster, scoped scale-out/down, etc. but they also come with numerous challenges not encountered with monoliths. Some typical drawbacks are: increased complexity due to the growing number of services, extra latency due to the distribution tax, harder to get a good oversight, complex patterns to alleviate network saturation, higher security risks, etc. The list of drawbacks is a least as big as the list of benefits, but each problem has a solution! To illustrate these problems and some potential solutions, I created the grpc-calculator demo app and the equivalent REST-based in .NET Core. The GitHub repos contain a step-by-step walkthrough on how to get these calculators up and running in your own K8s. This blog post is more focused on a high-level understanding of a Service Mesh & gPRC.

原文地址: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-developer-community-blog/meshing-with-linkerd2-using-grpc-enabled-net-core-services/ba-p/1377867

收录时间: 2020-05-14 浏览量: 2006 分类: .NET Core

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