你的位置: 码友网首页 / 资讯源列表 / Episode 016 - Authentication with Identity and Razor Pages - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

关于[Episode 016 - Authentication with Identity and Razor Pages - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill]的摘要:

In this post, we'll take a look at getting started with ASP.NET Core Identity, which provides the needed bits and pieces to implement authentication for our web applications. We'll implement this in a standalone authentication service, so it could be used by different client applications (web frontend, mobile app, ...).

原文地址: https://dev.to/joaofbantunes/episode-016---authentication-with-identity-and-razor-pages---aspnet-core-from-0-to-overkill-82k

收录时间: 2019-02-25 浏览量: 2104 分类: ASP.NET Core

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