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关于[[.NET Internals 06] Generational garbage collection]的摘要:

Continuing .NET Internals series on the blog, today we’re going to see what is generational garbage collection. You’ll also get to know what is a card table data structure and for what it’s used. As we know from this post, heaps used by .NET process to allocate reference objects are allocated on different kinds of heaps. In the previous article we also got to know that only Small Object Heap (SOH) is the subject of compaction process. Large Object Heap (LOH) is not compacted because of the performance reasons.

原文地址: https://www.dsibinski.pl/2018/08/net-internals-06-generational-garbage-collection/

收录时间: 2018-08-30 浏览量: 2101 分类: .NET

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