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关于[ValueStringBuilder: a stack-based string-builder: A deep dive on StringBuilder - Part 6]的摘要:

This series has focused on the common StringBuilder type and how it works internally to efficiently build strings. In my previous post I looked at the internal StringBuilderCache object that's used by .NET Framework and .NET Core to further reduce the allocations associated with building strings. In this post I look at another internal class that goes even further: ValueStringBuilder. Before we look at the type, I'll do a quick recap on the different types of memory allocation possible in .NET

原文地址: https://andrewlock.net/a-deep-dive-on-stringbuilder-part-6-vaulestringbuilder-a-stack-based-string-builder/

收录时间: 2021-08-18 浏览量: 1976 分类: .NET

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