The Prototype Design Pattern C# .net core
The Prototype Design Pattern is one of the Creational Design Patterns defined by the Gang Of Four (GOF) published their book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software in which they presented a catalog of simple and succinct solutions to commonly occurring design problems.
Composite command pattern
I have previously blogged about command pattern and composite pattern. I had some projects where I succesfully mixed these two together to compose a composite command. It’s a construct to have a commands hierarchy we can execute with one shot.
My 5 Favorite Software Design Principles
Here are 5 of my favorite software design principles that have really helped my career. It not only helped me build better software but helped me understand the craft and relieve a lot of frustration.
Object-Oriented Programming
OOP is considered by many to be the crown jewel of computer science. The ultimate solution to code organization. The end to all our problems. The only true way to write our programs. Bestowed upon us by the one true God of programming himself…
C# Design Patterns: The Strategy Pattern
In this article I’m going to introduce and talk about the Strategy Pattern. It’s a common design pattern that helps your program maintain flexibility in the midst of diverse requirements.
Refactoring switch case statement into strategy design pattern
A strategy design pattern is the most commonly used design pattern in computer programming. In this post, we’ll refactor a switch case into a strategy design pattern. We’ll start with a basic switch case statement and then we’ll gradually refactor the code into strategy design pattern.
C# Design Patterns - Strategy
The Strategy design pattern is a behavioral design pattern which allows us to define different functionalities, put each functionality in a separate class and make their objects interchangeable. In other words, we have a main Context object that holds a reference towards a Strategy object and delegates it by executing its functionality. If we want to change the way the Context performs its work, we can just replace the current Strategy object with another one.
C# Design Patterns - Command Design Pattern
The Command pattern is a behavioural design pattern that we can use to turn a request into an object which contains all the information about the request. The Command design pattern is quite popular in C#, especially when we want to delay or queue a request’s execution or when we want to keep track of our operations. Furthermore, this possibility to keep track of our operations gives us the opportunity to undo them as well.
C# Design Patterns - Decorator Design Pattern
In this article, we are going to talk about another structural C# design pattern, the Decorator Design Pattern. We are going to learn, how to implement this pattern in our project and what we can get by doing that. The source code is available at the Decorator Design Pattern – Source Code.
面向对象设计原则,是一种指导思想,在程序设计过程中,要尽量的去遵守这些原则,用于解决面向对象设计中的可维护性,可复用性以及可扩展性。常用的,就是我们日常所说的6大原则,分别是:单一职责(SRP)、里氏替换原则(LSP)、依赖倒置原则(DIP)、接口隔离原则(ISP)、迪米特法则(LOD)、开闭原则(OCP)。下面就来分别说说这些原则:一、 单一职责(Single Reponsibility P...
Strategy Pattern Implementations In C#: Basic To Advanced
Let's look at some different ways you could implement the strategy pattern in C#. First, I'd like to briefly mention why we care about design patterns and where the strategy pattern fits in. Why Should I Know The Strategy Pattern? Understanding design patterns is a vital skill to possess as a software developer and/or software architect. If you don't, then you end up
【设计模式】适配器模式 Adapter Parttern
【设计模式】适配器模式 Adapter Parttern2018-08-08 08:37 by 蓝之风, ... 阅读, ... 评论, 收藏, 编辑适配器模式在软件开发界使用及其广泛,在工业界,现实中也是屡见不鲜。比如手机充电器,笔记本充电器,广播接收器,电视接收器等等。都是适配器。 适配器主要作用是让本来不兼容的两个事物兼容和谐的一起工作。比如, 通常我们使用的交流电都是220v,但...
依赖注入[3]: 依赖注入模式
IoC主要体现了这样一种设计思想:通过将一组通用流程的控制权从应用转移到框架中以实现对流程的复用,并按照“好莱坞法则”实现应用程序的代码与框架之间的交互。我们可以采用若干设计模式以不同的方式实现IoC,比如我们在《依赖注入[2]: 基于IoC的设计模式》介绍的模板方法、工厂方法和抽象工厂,接下来我们介绍一种更为有价值的IoC模式,即依赖注入(DI:Dependency Injection,以下简称...
依赖注入[2]: 基于IoC的设计模式
依赖注入[2]: 基于IoC的设计模式正如我们在《控制反转》提到过的,很多人将IoC理解为一种“面向对象的设计模式”,实际上IoC自身不仅与面向对象没有必然的联系,它也算不上是一种设计模式。一般来讲,设计模式提供了一种解决某种具体问题的方案,但是IoC既没有一个针对性的问题领域,其自身没有提供一种可实施的解决方案,所以我更加倾向于将IoC视为一种设计原则。实际上很多我们熟悉的设计模式背后采用了Io...
【设计模式】工厂方法模式 Factory Method Pattern
在简单工厂模式中产品的创建统一在工厂类的静态工厂方法中创建,体现了面形对象的封装性,客户程序不需要知道产品产生的细节,也体现了面向对象的单一职责原则(SRP),这样在产品很少的情况下使用起来还是很方便, 但是如果产品很多,并且不断的有...
设计模式(十八)—— 中介者模式