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关于[Getting Started with Vue.js in .NET Core using Visual Studio]的摘要:

You’ve heard a lot about Vue.js and how awesome it is, and now you want to use it with your next .NET Core app. Well, it is far easier than you might think. In this tutorial, besides getting started with Vue.js, we will cover the following: SASS compilation ES6+ JavaScript transpilation to ES5 with Babel CSS Autoprefixing with PostCSS Minification of our CSS and JS assets Since this is an introductory Vue.js tutorial, we will be building a simple feedback form that will include full name, email and a comments box.

原文地址: https://blog.bitsrc.io/getting-started-with-vue-js-in-net-core-using-visual-studio-efbb43703630

收录时间: 2018-08-01 浏览量: 2596 分类: .NET Core

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