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关于[ASP.NET Core and Web API: A Custom Wrapper for Managing Exceptions and Consistent Responses]的摘要:

This article will talk about how to implement a custom wrapper for your ASP.NET Core and Web API applications for managing exceptions, providing meaningful and consistent responses to consumers. Building RESTFul APIs has been very popular nowadays and most projects that we build today heavily rely on APIs/Services to communicate with data. As you may know, creating Web APIs is an easy task, but designing a good API isn’t as easy as you may think especially if you are working with a lot of projects or microservices that expose some public API end-points. This article will talk about how to implement a custom wrapper for your ASP.NET Core and Web API applications for managing exceptions, providing meaningful and consistent responses to consumers.

原文地址: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1248022/ASP-NET-Core-and-Web-API-A-Custom-Wrapper-for-Mana

收录时间: 2018-07-05 浏览量: 2258 分类: ASP.NET Core

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