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关于[Bring WCF apps to the latest .NET with CoreWCF and Upgrade Assistant]的摘要:

Since CoreWCF 1.0 was released in April, we have received customer interest in tooling to assist the upgrade from WCF on .NET Framework to CoreWCF on .NET 6 and later versions of .NET. We are happy to announce that the team has released the Preview version of CoreWCF extension for C# projects in Upgrade Assistant that does most of the steps needed for the upgrade. In this blog, we will walk through the migration experience using Upgrade Assistant on a simple WCF project.

原文地址: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/migration-wcf-to-corewcf-upgrade-assistant/

收录时间: 2022-11-07 浏览量: 1528 分类: .NET Core

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