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关于[Announcing .NET 6 - The Fastest .NET Yet]的摘要:

Welcome to .NET 6. Today’s release is the result of just over a year’s worth of effort by the .NET Team and community. C# 10 and F# 6 deliver language improvements that make your code simpler and better. There are massive gains in performance, which we’ve seen dropping the cost of hosting cloud services at Microsoft. .NET 6 is the first release that natively supports Apple Silicon (Arm64) and has also been improved for Windows Arm64. We built a new dynamic profile-guided optimization (PGO) system that delivers deep optimizations that are only possible at runtime. Cloud diagnostics have been improved with dotnet monitor and OpenTelemetry. WebAssembly support is more capable and performant. New APIs have been added, for HTTP/3, processing JSON, mathematics, and directly manipulating memory. .NET 6 will be supported for three years. Developers have already started upgrading applications to .NET 6 and we’ve heard great early results in production. .NET 6 is ready for your app.

原文地址: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/announcing-net-6/

收录时间: 2021-11-10 浏览量: 1344 分类: .NET 6

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