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关于[Using .NET To Validate JSON with JSON Schema]的摘要:

JSON is arguably one of the most used data formats on the planet, likely due to its flexibility and human readability. We can also recognize that its two greatest strengths can also be the format’s weakness. Being human-readable gives developers the confidence to make manual changes, likely making errors along the way. The flexibility of parsers tends to let these structural errors exist in production settings longer than they should. Luckily for .NET developers, we have mechanisms to programmatically check the validity of JSON to ensure some level of correctness. We’ll see how to read JSON and check it against its schema definition.

原文地址: https://khalidabuhakmeh.com/using-dotnet-to-validate-json-with-json-schema

收录时间: 2021-09-15 浏览量: 1690 分类: .NET

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