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关于[Converting chunks to a string with ToString(): A deep dive on StringBuilder - Part 3]的摘要:

In the previous posts in this series, I took a first look at the internal design of StringBuilder class as a linked list, and then looked at the source code behind the constructors and Append methods. In this post I look at (arguably) the most important method on StingBuilder, ToString(), and show how the final string is created from multiple chunks. I also looks at the overload ToString(startIndex, count), and show how recent implementations differ from that used in .NET Framework.

原文地址: https://andrewlock.net/a-deep-dive-on-stringbuilder-part-3-converting-chunks-to-a-string-with-tostring/

收录时间: 2021-07-28 浏览量: 1299 分类: C#

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