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关于[Running a .NET application as a service on Linux with Systemd]的摘要:

In this post, let’s see how you can run a .NET Core / .NET 5 application as a service on Linux. We’ll use Systemd to integrate our application with the operating system and make it possible to start and stop our service, and get logs from it. To build my supply chain attack with .NET, I needed to host a DNS server to capture the hostnames sent to me. Let’s use that as an example!

原文地址: https://blog.maartenballiauw.be/post/2021/05/25/running-a-net-application-as-a-service-on-linux-with-systemd.html

收录时间: 2021-05-26 浏览量: 1486 分类: .NET

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