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关于[How to use MediatR Pipeline Behaviours]的摘要:

In this post I will introduce one of my favourite features of MediatR that really makes it worthwhile using it to implement the Mediator pattern. This post will also start to tie up one of the loose ends which I started discussing in Implementing logging in .net core applications for logging, telemetry and your own sanity before veering off in what may at first seem like wild tangents in discussing Implementing logging with Serilog and Implement log monitoring with Seq and Serilog in .net Core . These were important aspects to discuss because as you’ll discover in this article it suddenly all comes together, to help build software applications!

原文地址: https://garywoodfine.com/how-to-use-mediatr-pipeline-behaviours/

收录时间: 2021-05-25 浏览量: 1778 分类: .NET Core

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