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关于[Referencing External Controllers in ASP.Net Core 3.x]的摘要:

I recently had a situation where I needed to include a utility controller and set of operations into every .Net Core Web API that used a common in-house framework. The idea being that by baking this utility controller in to the framework then every API built that references it can take advantage of this common set of API operations for free. The types of operations that this might include are logging, registration, security or health check type API operations that every Micro Service might need to implement out of the box (some perhaps only in certain environments). Anyway I knew this was possible in .Net Core through the use of...

原文地址: https://richhewlett.com/2021/04/04/referencing-external-controllers-in-asp-net-core-3-x/

收录时间: 2021-04-06 浏览量: 820 分类: ASP.NET Core

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