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关于[Blazor Material UI - Configuration and Theme Customization]的摘要:

In this article, we are going to learn how to integrate MudBlazor inside the Blazor WebAssembly application, and thus create a Material UI Blazor project. We are not going to learn about Blazor WebAssembly itself. If you are not familiar with Blazor WebAssembly, we strongly recommend reading our Blazor WebAssembly series of articles. There, you can learn everything you need to develop great Blazor WebAssembly applications. In this article, and in all the articles from the Blazor Material UI series, we will try to convert the project created in our Blazor WebAssembly series to a material one by using material components from MudBlazor. Additionally, in this one, we are going to learn how to use themes to change the entire look of our application.

原文地址: https://code-maze.com/blazor-material-ui-configuration-and-theme-customization/

收录时间: 2021-03-30 浏览量: 2270 分类: Blazor

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