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关于[Announcing .NET 6 Preview 2]的摘要:

Today, we are glad to release .NET 6 Preview 2. It includes new APIs, runtime performance improvements, and early builds of .NET MAUI. It also includes builds for Apple Silicon, which were missing for Preview 1. After the announcement of the overall .NET 6 release, we’re now back to regularly scheduled monthly previews until the final release in November. You will see new features included in each preview that deliver on .NET 6 themes, epics and user stories. These themes offer improvements to every .NET application, including for server/cloud, desktop, IoT and mobile.

原文地址: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/announcing-net-6-preview-2/

收录时间: 2021-03-12 浏览量: 1319 分类: .NET 6

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