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关于[Introducing the .NET Upgrade Assistant Preview]的摘要:

Today we’re excited to introduce a tool we’ve been working on to help you upgrade your .NET Framework-based applications to .NET 5 called the .NET Upgrade Assistant. The .NET Upgrade Assistant is a .NET global command-line tool that gives you a guided experience for incrementally upgrading your applications. It brings an existing tool called try-convert together with step-by-step instructions and recommendations. This means you can instead focus your upgrading time on the more specific changes to your application and the application model rather than on the repetitive tasks across the projects in your solution.

原文地址: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/introducing-the-net-upgrade-assistant-preview/

收录时间: 2021-03-03 浏览量: 884 分类: .NET

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