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关于[ How to generate PostgreSQL UUID with EF Core]的摘要:

There are number of options to use for ID fields in PostgreSQL each one of them have valid use cases of when to use or not use them. I won’t go into detail of the pro’s and cons of using which approach, because ultimately that is a debate for another time and place. In my particular case, I needed to create a table that made use of UUID ( Universally Unique Identifiers), which is an identifier with a 128-bit quantity generated by an algorithm chosen to make it very unlikely that the same identifier will be generated by anyone else in the known universe using the same algorithm.

原文地址: https://garywoodfine.com/how-to-generate-postgresql-uuid-with-ef-core/

收录时间: 2020-08-17 浏览量: 3222 分类: Entity Framework Core

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