你的位置: 码友网首页 / 资讯源列表 / Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 2.0.0 is now available

关于[Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 2.0.0 is now available]的摘要:

As you probably already know, one year ago a new Microsoft.Data.SqlClient library was released to replace the well-know System.Data.SqlClient. This was done to add support to .Net Core, to be Open Source, and to serve as the starting point for all future development and investments Azure SQL and SQL Server data access drivers. If you missed such news, you can read all the details here...

原文地址: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/azure-sql/microsoft-data-sqlclient-2-0-0-is-now-available/

收录时间: 2020-06-24 浏览量: 1541 分类: .NET

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