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关于[Pack your .NET program to a single .exe file with PostSharp Community]的摘要:

Last month, we released PostSharp.Community.Packer, a free and open-source tool that you can use to pack your .NET Framework application into a single .exe file for distribution. The basic idea as well as much of the code itself come from Costura.Fody, an add-in to Fody, which has the same effect. We mostly differ only in the architecture we use to apply our changes to the build process. Like Costura, Packer is released under MIT. You can find instructions on how to add Packer to your project on the Packer GitHub page.

原文地址: https://www.postsharp.net/blog/post/Pack-your-NET-program-to-a-single-exe-file-with-PostSharp-Community

收录时间: 2020-06-07 浏览量: 2053 分类: .NET

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