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关于[Introducing Jasper as an In Process Command Bus for .Net]的摘要:

Jasper is a new open source tool that can be used as an in process “command bus” inside of .Net Core 3 applications. Used locally, Jasper can provide a superset of the “mediator” functionality popularized by MediatR that many folks like using within ASP.Net MVC Core applications to simplify controller code by offloading most of the processing to separate command handlers. Jasper certainly supports that functionality, but also adds rich options for asynchronous processing commands with built in resiliency mechanisms.

原文地址: https://jeremydmiller.com/2020/04/21/introducing-jasper-as-an-in-process-command-bus-for-net/

收录时间: 2020-04-23 浏览量: 1268 分类: .NET Core

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