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关于[Converting an Excel Worksheet into a JSON document with C# and .NET Core and ExcelDataReader]的摘要:

I've been working on a little idea where I'd have an app (maybe a mobile app with Xamarin or maybe a SPA, I haven't decided yet) for the easily accessing and searching across the 500+ videos from https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/videos/azure-friday/ HOWEVER. I don't have access to the database that hosts the metadata and while I'm trying to get at least read-only access to it (long story) the best I can do is a giant Excel spreadsheet dump that I was given that has all the video details.

原文地址: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/ConvertingAnExcelWorksheetIntoAJSONDocumentWithCAndNETCoreAndExcelDataReader.aspx

收录时间: 2019-03-08 浏览量: 2060 分类: .NET Core

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