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关于[Visual Studio Code November 2018]的摘要:

Welcome to the November 2018 release of Visual Studio Code. There are a number of significant updates in this version that we hope you will like, some of the key highlights include: Multiline search improvements - Easily create multiline search patterns without using regex. Custom title bar on Linux - The custom title and menu bar is now the default on Linux. References view - Find All References view includes history of recent searches. Snippet comment variables - Snippet variables insert correct comment per language. JS/TS callback display - Now you can see the context of anonymous callbacks. JSDoc Markdown highlighting - Including syntax highlighting for Markdown code blocks in JSDoc. Simplified debug configuration - Better defaults and Quick Pick UI for initial launch configuration. Run tasks on folder open - Configure tasks to run when you first open a project folder. Choose extension version - Install earlier versions of Marketplace extensions.

原文地址: https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_30

收录时间: 2018-12-13 浏览量: 2731 分类: Visual Studio

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