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关于[Taking A Screenshot Of A WebPage In .NET Core]的摘要:

I came across an interesting problem while developing a monitoring tool recently. It was a simple HTTP check to see if a webpage had a certain piece of text on it. When it didn’t, I was saving the HTML and I had to sift through it at a later date to try and work out what went wrong. At some point, reading HTML (Or loading the HTML without any CSS/JS) become really tiresome so what I really wanted was the ability to take a screenshot of a webpage and save it as an image.

原文地址: https://dotnetcoretutorials.com/2018/12/01/taking-a-screenshot-of-a-webpage-in-net-core/

收录时间: 2018-12-02 浏览量: 2273 分类: .NET Core

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